Kevin Hammons

For Lone Rock School Trustee

Liberty and Excellence

"Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the United States where men were free." - Ronald Reagan

You'd have to be a recent arrival from off planet to miss that our nation is at an inflection point. We stand at the crossroads between liberty and tyranny.

We work ourselves to exhaustion. Great events seize our attention. Catastrophes and wars rock our world. Some might be tempted to ask if we have time to 'waste' on education which takes years and even decades to bear fruit.

Our colleges are filled with snowflakes who melt down when confronted by a differing opinion. They get slapped upside the head by the hard realities of life and their first reaction is to go running to the Sugar Daddy in Washington (read: you and I) to pay off student loans that they themselves chose to take on for their advanced degrees in underwater basket weaving or whatever. These nuts didn't just fall off the tree. They've been trained this way - by our own grade schools.

Across the nation, education experts actually publicly claim that they, not parents, should control what children are taught. Montana may have officially banned Critical Race Theory, but it hasn't stopped the Certification Standards and Practices Advisory Council from trying to enforce it. Even here in the Bitterroot Valley, teachers have publically pledged to teach CRT, regardless of the law or board policy.

The battle is here now, whether we are ready for it or not. Even if our children and grandchildren are personally OK, the children going through public school now will be choosing the future presidents, just based on sheer numbers. Can we afford to abandon our children and grandchildren? Can we afford to continue to get this one wrong?